Pre-Care Instructions

Pre-Care Instructions 

Do not pick, tweeze, wax, perform electrolysis one week before procedure. If you wish to wax your eyebrows before the procedure please schedule an appointment with one of our brow specialist so we can correctly shape them before your microblading appointment. If you do not groom your brows before the appointment then the stray hairs will be removed with tweezers, which can sometimes be uncomfortable.
DO NOT tan two weeks prior to your appointment or have a sunburned face(peeling). Tans and sun burns affect the skin color and what pigment we choose to match it. If you come to your appointment freshly tanned or burnt your deposit will be forfeited and you will have to reschedule with a new deposit. 
Do not have any type of facials/peels 2 weeks prior to the treatment.
Discontinue vitamin A/Retinol products for one month prior to the treatment.
Do not work out on the day of your procedure.
Do not have Botox 3 weeks prior
Do not take fish oil or vitamin e one week prior to the appointment (natural blood thinners)

DO NOT drink alcohol 24-48 hours before your appointment
Do not consume coffee before your procedure (interferes with numbing process)
Do not take an Aspirin  or ibuprofen for pain relief 24 hours prior to the appointment. 
Try to schedule your appointment before or after your menstrual cycle. (causes sensitivity and more bleeding)